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I have come to enjoy Autumn thoroughly—the colors, pumpkins, and, at the Pearce home cider pressing time.

I have come to enjoy Autumn thoroughly—the colors, pumpkins, and, at the Pearce home cider pressing time. Since I am a Spring guy, I have not always felt this way in the spirit of full disclosure. As I grew up, Autumn meant the end of summer, the beginning of school, and the rainy season. But something, very recently, has really turned me around on this. This year, more than ever, I am excited for the Fall and looking forward to the coming school year with great enthusiasm.

As we enter the new school year, I am reminded that Grace Academy is just a couple of years away from celebrating 50 years of excellence in Christian Education. As anniversaries approach, reminiscing begins. I have been at the school for thirty years and have seen many changes. However, one constant has stood through all the seasons: Jesus Christ. The one true God of the universe has and continues to richly bless and protect this place. He is faithful, and we seek daily to be faithful to Him. Bringing glory to God through daily interactions with our students is a blessing and an honor. 

Regardless of the season, our board, faculty, and staff desire daily to impact students for the Kingdom of God. As believers, we have no more significant duty. It is a privilege to be in this place at this time. 

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. James 1:17

-Timothy Pearce

Academy News



Oct 1, 2024

I have come to enjoy Autumn thoroughly—the colors, pumpkins, and, at the Pearce home cider pressing time.

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New Year, New Beginnings

New Year, New Beginnings

Oct 1, 2024

We are pleased to welcome our new and returning families to Grace Academy for the 2024-2025 school year!

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Senior Year at Grace Academy

Senior Year at Grace Academy

May 10, 2024

From time to time, we will have students leave us in high school as they search for the all-American high school experience.

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