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Secondary Courses

Our junior high and high school students take challenging core classes, Bible lessons, and a wide range of electives.


2 semesters

In the seventh grade, there are two texts. First semester students will be using a text entitled “Wise Up.” The class will examine how to better deal with some of the problems and situations that touch Christian children, such as making good friends, how to treat parents, and responsibility at home. A variety of activities teach these concepts in creative ways. Second semester the class will study the awesome attributes of God, using the book “Let God Be God.” Students will look at God as love, merciful, just, eternal, immutable, sinless, bountiful, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, and sovereign. These are just some of the many characteristics that make God so wonderful.

2 semesters

The eighth grade students will study the course material titled “The Life of Christ.” This study gives an overview of the four gospels and major messages from the life and ministry of Jesus. As a result of this study, students will have a greater understanding of Jesus the Savior and will learn to draw near to Him. Scripture memory and chapel assignments are an integral part of this class.

2 semesters

Students will be introduced to the principles of Bible interpretation. They will be able to properly interpret the Bible for personal study and proper understanding of Bible doctrine. In addition, the students will complete an overview of the content of the Bible and develop a plan of study for their own use. Bible memory and chapel assignments are an integral part of this class.

2 semesters

Students will develop their understanding of the basic doctrines of Scripture:  the doctrines of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, salvation, man, sin and the end times. This study has one purpose: to encourage students to get to know their God. This practical study paves the way for a genuine loving relationship with the God of Scripture. Weekly Bible memory and chapel assignments are an important part of this class.

2 semesters

The overall objective of this course is to determine the fundamental biblical principles regarding the mission of the church and its role in missions. A careful study of the book of Acts is core to this class. Specifically, this means each person studying the course would understand that God is a missionary God and develop a basic understanding of biblical keys to the establishment and expansion of the first century church. They would learn how to apply these keys to the 21st century global church, determine a biblical definition for “missionary” and “missionary work,” and develop convictions on the role of the local church in missions today. Weekly Bible memory and chapel assignments are a key part of this class.

2 semesters

Students will examine the process of sanctification to better understand how Christians are transformed. Based on Jim Berg’s book, Changed Into His Image, the students will be challenged to examine their lives and measure them with the Bible. Memorization of Scripture passages that relate to the study are a regular part of this class. Weekly chapel assignments are also included.


Grade 7

1 quarter

This class reinforces basic keyboarding skills.  Students will be taught to touch type correctly using a variety of materials, including scripture passages and appropriate software to practice and improve skills.  Regular testing checks and corrects deficiencies.  Keyboarding will enhance the students’ ability to quickly and professionally prepare future academic assignments. This is a required junior high course.

Grade 8

1 quarter

This course introduces basic computer survival skills in the Windows operating system (OS) and word processing.  Students use the provided text and teacher instruction to correctly navigate the OS and learn basic word processing using Microsoft Word.  The text leads the students through various exercises to teach fundamental concepts.  This course will prepare the student to be able to use Word to complete reports and papers required in other subjects. This is a required junior high course.

Grade 9

1 semester

This course provides advanced training in word processing, complete coverage of spreadsheet use, introductions into presentation graphics, and databases.  Students use the provided text to complete exercises in all aspects of Word and Excel.  PowerPoint and Access are introduced but not fully developed.  Students will improve their keyboarding skills as they complete assignments.  This course provides the foundational skills required in today’s job market and higher education. 

This is an elective high school course that counts for .5 Occupational Ed. credits.

Fine Arts

The Fine Arts courses listed are all electives. Other courses that will satisfy the Fine Arts requirement are under the following departments: Language Arts (Yearbook and Literature) and Occupational Education (Home Economics).

Students explore a variety of media including acrylic painting, collage, printmaking, watercolor, pen and ink, and pencil.

Students explore a variety of media including calligraphy, pencil, and water color.

Band is a performance-oriented class that teaches proper use of the instrument in playing individually and in an ensemble. Each class is a mixture of instruction and practical application. Lessons learned are practically applied in performance settings such as chapels, concerts, and festivals. Class times may change with the schedule, but a year commitment is required.

Grades 7-8

1 quarter

Beginning Guitar for grade levels 7-8, for students with 0-1 year experience. Your own instrument must be provided. This is not a repeating class, first year students only.

Choir members will prepare concert music for performances scheduled for school, churches, and community service throughout the year. Some evening or weekend concerts will be scheduled for school visibility and recruitment, and most important of all, ministry opportunities. Training the singer to perform is emphasized, with priority given to voice production and breathing technique. Basic music theory is also emphasized.

Grades 7-8

1 quarter

In this course students produce a stage play. Students’ responsibilities in class differ with their duties with respect to the play, whether actors or technicians. Class size is limited to 15 students.

Grades 9-12

This course introduces students to terms, strategies, and techniques related to theater. Basic acting skills will be developed. Play Production is a recommended prerequisite.

Grades 9-12

Acting II equips students with basic method acting skills. The course is intended for students who have already participated in a play as an actor or have taken an Introduction to Acting class. Basic stage technique will be reviewed, but most of the class will focus on developing acting skills and working with various styles of plays.

Grades 9-12

In this course students produce a stage play.  Students’ responsibilities include acting, stage craft, and technical jobs.

Grades 9-12

Technical Drama teaches the behind-the-scenes elements to producing a stage play.  Students learn the basics of set design and construction, lighting, make-up and more. 

Foreign Language

Grade 10

2 semesters

This class teaches students the basics of the Spanish language as it is spoken in Latin America. At the completion of the first year of study, students should be able to meet basic survival needs and courtesy requirements such as greeting and taking leave, asking and answering simple questions, and providing simple personal information such as name and age. Student should also be able to perform certain functions with the language, such as ordering a meal, making purchases, following directions, and discussing family, church, school, and sports. The use of the present tense is a major focus in Spanish I. However, other tenses are introduced toward the end of the year.

Grade 11

2 semesters

The course helps students achieve an intermediate level of proficiency in their second year of Spanish language study. In addition to reviewing and mastering the foundational material covered in Spanish I, Spanish II students should be able to perform practical functions in Spanish, as it is spoken in Latin America. Students will learn grammar as a means to improve communication. Everyday contexts include the airport, bank, car shop, doctor’s office, hotel, restaurant, and store. Speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills become more advanced in Spanish II as students become increasingly proficient with as many as eleven Spanish verb tenses.

This course is offered for concurrent credit for an additional fee per semester.

Language Arts

2 semesters

In this course students will continue to expand their knowledge of vocabulary, spelling, and grammar. They will learn to identify and analyze the various elements of literature (theme, setting, irony, etc.) and enhance their writing capabilities by practicing how to write thesis statements and essays in their proper format.

2 semesters

This course is a continuation, in greater depth, of 7th grade English.

2 semesters

Students study parts of speech and other aspects of grammar while learning to develop the essay and other forms of writing. They also learn to analyze styles of poetry and then to write it. While reading two Shakespearean plays, students learn about Elizabethan drama, staging, costuming, and contemporary special effects. Students also read two classic novels and learn to analyze form and content.

2 semesters

First semester covers the techniques of writing and giving speeches. Second semester focuses on honing grammar skills and on higher critical thinking and writing research papers, in addition to essays, short papers, and poetry. Students read one Shakespearean play and two or three classic novels.

2 semesters

This course deals with the development of the students’ writing and grammar skills. Students read three Shakespearean plays and a survey of American literature, including authors and poets from Byrd and Jonathan Edwards to modern writers such as EE Cummings. Students learn to develop their ideas through writing two short research papers, various essays, and poetry.

2 semesters

Students read two or more Shakespearean plays and a survey of British Literature, including early writings Beowulf and Bede to contemporary writings from T.S. Eliot and Auden. Students write two research papers and various essays and poetry in anticipation of preparing for college.

This course is offered for concurrent credit for an additional fee per semester.


2 semesters

This course emphasizes a full range of topics needed for a successful study of algebra including variables, equations, and problem solving. Strong review and advancement is given in the following areas: order of operations, solving equations and inequalities, decimal numbers and exponents, basic geometry, factoring and multiples, fractions and ratios, percents, areas and volumes, integers and graphs, and analyzing data.

2 semesters

This course prepares the students for high school algebra and provides strong review and advancement in the following areas: order of operations, equations and inequalities, problem-solving, exponents, rounding and the decimal system, positive and negative numbers, all operations of fractions, solving equations and inequalities and graphing on the coordinate plane, geometry, ratio, proportion and percents, areas and volumes, square roots and right triangles, probability, statistics and polynomials.

2 semesters

This course covers traditional algebraic topics including working with real numbers, solving equations and problems, polynomials, factoring polynomials, algebraic fractions, functions, systems of linear equations, inequalities, rational and irrational numbers and quadratic functions.

2 semesters

This class includes traditional geometry topics, including deductive reasoning, parallel lines and planes, congruent triangles, quadrilaterals, similar polygons, right triangles, circles and constructions. Students will learn how to reason in a logical manner via two-column proofs.

2 semesters

This course covers traditional advanced algebra topics including linear equations and functions, products and factors of polynomials, rational expressions, irrational and complex numbers, quadratic equations and functions, variation and polynomial equations, analytic geometry, exponential and logarithmic functions, and triangle trigonometry.

2 semesters

This course covers traditional advanced math topics including linear and quadratic functions, polynomial functions, inequalities, functions, exponents and logarithms, analytic geometry, trigonometric functions, triangle trigonometry, trigonometric formulas, and polar coordinates.

Grades 10-12

2 semesters

Students will use basic math skills to calculate interest rates, cash and trade discounts, and income profit and loss. This is a life-application math course covering topics such as capital budgeting credit, investments, taxes, banking, insurance and other business-related