Academy News (8)

Apr 1, 2019Today was definitely one of my favorites so far this trip. We started the day with a nice late start with breakfast at 8:30, before heading to The Kilns. The Kilns is the name of C.S. Lewis’ house where he lived for much of his life.

Canterbury, Cambridge, and Bletchley Park
Mar 31, 2019This is our first day back in England after spending three nights in France. Our time in Bayuex was quite memorable. We all enjoyed our time at Mont-Saint-Michel, Omaha beach, Pointe du Hoc, and the American Cemetery at Normandy.

Europe Trip: Beaumont-Hamel, Rouen, and Bayeax
Mar 30, 2019Over this 2019 UK trip we have traveled to many different places relevant to many cultures.

Mont Saint Michel and D-Day Sites
Mar 30, 2019Our third day in France and my favorite day here! We woke up and had some yummy croissants for breakfast and then we got on the road to Mont Saint Michel. Mont Saint Michel is an island city with an abbey at the top.

London Part 2
Mar 29, 2019At around 11:15AM, we finally arrived at Heathrow Airport. With very few hours of sleep and grumbling tummies, we were all ready to get off the plane and find some food.

Mar 27, 2019Grace Academy currently has 14 students on a trip to the United Kingdom and France. The first 48 hours were spent traipsing around London seeing as much as possible.