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All Schools Teach Doctrine

No Education Is Neutral.

Schools are supposed to teach. Everyone knows this and would expect nothing less. However, most people have not thought much about what this means, and they assume this applies only to academic subjects. The fact is that no education is neutral. Teachers always have philosophical assumptions which shape the minds of children more than the information they convey.

The problem is that education that does not begin with the Bible places other idols in place of God. In our society, science and technology are the usual idols that offer “truths” that replace the Bible. Science has its place and schools need to teach it, but it does not provide answers to life. This is not the only idol, yet it is a prevalent one. Another common idol is the belief in absolute human freedom and autonomy. Because it is not true, textbooks and teachers that subscribe to this belief will not prepare students for the world they will encounter as they grow and become adults. These are only examples of the counterfeit worldviews competing with divinely revealed truth.

We teach the worldview of the Bible. At Grace Academy, we work hard to make sure that our instruction begins and ends with a biblical perspective. It prepares our students for the real world so that they will have the greatest success. A secular worldview offers a shriveled approach to life because it eliminates the spiritual, the most important and the only part of man that will survive death. What students need is an accurate, truthful education that is free of fads and unbiblical ideas. This is exactly what we offer at Grace.

Academy News

Grandparents Day

Grandparents Day

Dec 17, 2024

Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers. Proverbs 17:6

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Dec 17, 2024

Let us give an extra measure of praise and thanksgiving this month to the one true God.

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Uniforms Update

Uniforms Update

Dec 17, 2024

 Uniforms can create community and unity among families and students.

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