Partnering With Parents.
It is difficult to communicate effectively. Communication is a challenge for people even when they are friends and family, but when dealing with an organization, it is even more difficult. With this in mind, let me review our most common means of conveying vital information to you, our school families.
Most messages regarding academic progress in grades 1-6 come directly from the classroom teacher. As part of our partnership with parents, our teachers want parents to know how their student is performing. The Thursday Folder is the means of transferring graded papers to home. It is your responsibility to review them. In 4th-12th, teachers record student grades in RenWeb. Parents can always check grades there, but even if they do not, they receive a weekly progress report through email. That email also contains helpful details regarding student performance. Our teachers are always open to questions, which parents may ask through email in RenWeb or by calling the school. Whether accessed through an internet browser or the app, RenWeb always has answers to questions about grades.
Some may have noticed that we recently redesigned our website to make our home page more useful. Parents can find current school events and the most recent blog without leaving the homepage. The blog is updated weekly with articles by myself and by teachers, so it is worth checking often and referring to friends. The News and Events drop-down menu has athletic information and archived copies of the Eagle Flyer. I encourage all parents to look around the new website to discover all that is there. As always, any suggestions are appreciated. Of course, the Eagle Flyer is our most aggressive effort to push news to parents so be sure to check out each issue for data relevant to your child. We often post current events, photos, and announcements on Facebook, too.
The above means of communication have served us well over the years, but we are always looking to improve. We have been investigating another all-school app that will enable us to make instant announcements and allow for real-time communication between our constituents that is private. The RenWeb app will always be the best source for grades, but it is not designed as a news source, so be faithful to stop by our website as well.