Behold, I am making all things new. -Revelation 21:5
Happy New Year, I think. Of course, I pray that you will have a wonderful 2024, but in the world of school, New Year’s Eve is always the first Tuesday of September, and New Year’s Day is the first Wednesday. Being involved in school for the past 48 years, I think of years in terms of “school,” not “calendar.” As educators, it’s just a thing we do. Regardless of your preference, whether calendar years, school years, or some other conglomeration of days, weeks, and months, I pray you have a very Happy New Year!
Immediately after Christmas day, thoughts turn to gift returns, New Year’s Eve parties, and yes, New Year’s resolutions. People in these great United States believe that New Year’s Eve triggers something inside that requires us to set a new goal or give up a bad habit. However, as we mature, we realize two things. First, when we wake up the next day, it’s just January 1st, not the beginning of a “reset” in the video game of life. Second, it dawns on us that the bills, pounds, and junk-filled garages remain.
Okay, now that I have thoroughly depressed one and all, let me get to the point. Every day is a day of hope if you are a faithful follower of Jesus Christ. Wake up each morning enveloped in the arms of that truth. He is the one who makes all things new, not the calendar, not us, and indeed not a new Thigh Master, the latest diet blog, even new grooming techniques do not a new person make.
And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” -Revelation 21:5
I pray that today is the day of your salvation. Do not wait until January 1, 2024. If you don’t know what this means or how to accept the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, ask. Your pastor, a Christian friend or family member, your child’s teacher, or any other staff member employed at Grace Academy would love to spend time with you looking at the truth found in Scripture.
We are grateful for our partnership with Grace Academy families. Whether we are celebrating an impressive test score or working together to seek behavioral improvement, your involvement is invaluable.