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Christmas Truth

The birth of Jesus Christ is the central reason for Christmas. There are many components of Christmas that are right from the Bible; to name a few, the shepherds, the wise men, children in Bethlehem, the virgin birth and, of course, Mary and Joseph.

Add to these many non-biblical elements such as trees, lights, snowmen, snowflakes, elves, Santa, etc., and we end up with a hodgepodge of things that seem equally important. They may all be a part of American Christmas traditions, but they are not all equally important. For thinking Christians, it is important to make accurate distinctions. Mixing biblical and non-biblical events creates confusion and undermines the Bible’s message.

I expect the surrounding culture to jumble the Christmas message because there is no commitment to the Bible. However, a Christian family should be clear about what is biblical and what is not, especially at Christmas. The fact that Jesus, God Himself, came to earth in the form of a human is the supernatural basis of his eventual death for our sins. He was supernaturally conceived without a human father, which made it possible for him to live a sinless life, and then he willingly allowed himself to be murdered as payment for sins. His miraculous birth enabled his sacrificial death to be different from every other person who ever lived. If Jesus was simply a good example for us to follow, then he was no different from many thousands of others who have lived exemplary lives.

The facts of the Bible are nothing to be trifled with because they bring words of life. Let’s help our children to keep the facts separated from the many myths that have arisen around his birth so that we can worship God in word and truth.

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Jesus is Sufficient

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Getting the Message Across

Getting the Message Across

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