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Europe Trip: Beaumont-Hamel, Rouen, and Bayeax

Over this 2019 UK trip we have traveled to many different places relevant to many cultures.

On Thursday March 28 we started the day with a two-hour coach ride to visit a Newfoundland Memorial from WWI, where a fantastic Caribou monument stands, and where the Canadians were at a standoff with the Germans for many months in the trenches with both sides losing many soldiers. We were able to see the preserved trenches where the Canadian and Allied troops fought against the Germans who were about 5-600 yards away down a slight hill. Afterwards, we continued on for another hour or so to the city of Rouen, where we toured the Catholic Cathedral which still functions to this day as a Catholic church. We spent about another hour afterwards, shopping the neighboring stores and streets, indulging ourselves in many of the French sweets available from vendors. We then continued on to Bayeux where we ate an amazing French dinner and where we will be spending Thursday and Friday night. I’m thankful for the opportunity to go on this trip and the awesome people I get to do it with, and extremely grateful for Mr. Lugg and Miss Callaghan as well as Richard our coach driver for being helpful and caring to all of us.

By Michael Starkweather

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