Educating for Life; Impacting for Eternity
The mission of Grace Academy is to impact students by moving them toward knowledge and wisdom: educating from a biblical worldview for this life; evangelizing and equipping for eternal life.

The IMPACT Distinctives
Teaching every subject from a God-centered world view and providing the opportunity for academic excellence in a college preparatory environment play an important role in equipping students to impact a changing world. However, only a student who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ can truly do so. It is the school’s desire that each student has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and lives his or her life according to biblical standards with the proper motive, that is, out of love for Jesus Christ and a desire to obey Him. The following acronym, IMPACT, represents the distinctive characteristics our personnel and programs seek to instill in our students.

Integrity involves bringing congruence to the inner person: the heart, the soul, the mind, the will, and actions. Real Christianity is found in a person who lives on the outside what he already is on the inside. The person of integrity has nothing to hide or fear because his life is an open book. The man of integrity recognizes that he must have exclusive allegiance to God and doesn’t try to love God and the world at the same time. His heart is in heaven because that is where his treasure is. I John 2:15 says, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in Him.”
Because ministry is an integral part of who believers are and is evidence of their salvation, ministry to one another in the body of Christ is not optional. The Christian who doesn’t minister is no different than the person who doesn’t breathe. God has gifted each believer specifically and solely for the purpose of ministering to one another in the context of the local church. Grace Academy supports the local church, training students and sending them back into their local churches, where they exercise their spiritual gifts. In this way, they’ll be able to make a difference for Jesus Christ in those churches. Ministry is also important at Grace Academy as the school ministers to families and churches. The Bible has established the church and the home and the Christian school exists to support them.

The concept of purity comes from I Corinthians 6:9-11, which says that as Christians we are set apart. Purity must first begin with salvation. (John 3:3, Psalm 51:7) There is nothing more important in life, not one’s GPA, nor one’s career; nothing is more important than one’s eternal destiny. Therefore it is our desire that all our students be saved (1Timothy 2:4). The redeemed student will seek to live for and love Jesus Christ with all his heart, soul, and mind. (Matthew 22:37) The result is a student who, from a heart to love God, lives a right and moral life.
Accountability requires openness between two or more people who agree to share personal victories and to question one another when they notice sinful tendencies. This is, in reality, biblical edification: the ministry of stimulating one another to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24). Accountability is also found as students take tests, receive grades on assignments, and are encouraged to practice righteous behavior.

The Apostle Paul in Romans 12:2 tells us not to “be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”. In essence this is the redeemed person who understands their salvation and lives it out, the biblically functioning Christian. It is our desire that every student at Grace Academy live a life of total dependence on God while being conformed to His image. That is a difficult goal for an academic institution! The temptation to lean on yourself when you study a course and take the test is mighty strong. And so we have to carefully balance academic confidence with dependence on God. Proverbs 3:5-6 makes our mission of conformity quite clear: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
According to Proverbs, one of the chief characteristics of a wise man is a desire for learning. “The mind of the prudent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge” (Proverbs 18:15). To assume that we are teachable merely because we hear a lot of teaching is to deceive ourselves. A prerequisite to teachability is humility; we must know that there is always more to be learned than we already know, and we must be willing to learn from anyone, and at any time. A wise person loves to learn because he realizes that knowledge is like precious treasure. Learning is a lifelong process; it is a spiritual discipline that characterizes the truly wise person. Never forget, however, that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

Parent Testimonial
“Our family has been profoundly blessed by the nurturing and faith-driven environment at Grace Academy! As an alumnus, I am deeply grateful to see my son now thriving in the same enriching setting, where dedicated teachers instill not only academic excellence but also a strong foundation of faith in Jesus. This school truly is a beacon of Christian education, guiding our children towards a path of lifelong learning and spiritual growth.”
Chris Coerber
Current Parent and Alumni"Grace Academy has been a great place for my kids to grow both academically and spiritually this year! It has been a special joy for me to see my kids’ appetite for God’s Word grow; I know this is in part from their engagement in classes and chapels at Grace. Thank you to the administrators and teachers at Grace Academy for being intentional in sharing God’s truth in all aspects of their education!"
Andrea Dauber
“Grace Academy provides a unique and valuable educational experience for students, emphasizing a personalized and rigorous curriculum, a strong sense of community and a focus on character development. The commitment and dedication of the tenured teachers and staff to their students creates a learning environment that fosters growth, achievement and academic success”
Melissa George
Current Parent“I appreciate Grace's high academic standards while seeing my child as a whole and meeting him where he is academically and socially. The care and intent the staff gives to help every student reach their potential is impressive. I am truly grateful that we have found our way to the Grace family.”
Jamie Jefferson
Current Parent“Grace Academy has been a HUGE blessing for out family!! The quality of academic education coupled with a full complement of extracurricular activities has been the most wonderful experience. While these 2 things have contributed to the success of our kids, what has been the most impactful is the relationship they have developed with Jesus and how the teachers genuinely love and care for each student. Grace Academy’s motto is ‘Educating for Life / Impacting for Eternity’ and as a family that has been here for 13 years – we have seen this, felt this and most importantly, lived this. We could not imagine our kids anywhere else and thank God every day for allowing us to be a part of the Grace Academy family!!”
Duaine Birkhofer
Current Parent“Our son’s life is forever changed. God has used the team at Grace Academy to shelter our son from the storms of life raging all around. Combining highest levels of academic excellence, Godly instruction, and a family atmosphere, we are forever grateful for Grace Academy. We highly recommend, and we are beyond blessed to know our second son will be starting Kindergarten in the fall!”
Rev. Shawn and Elizabeth Roberts
Current Parent"Grace Academy has blessed our family with the strength and courage to hold true to our family values. Grace Academy instills the importance of both faith and education while creating healthy relationships with peers and God."