Elementary School
Grace Academy offers elementary students a wide variety of opportunities to learn in a challenging and supportive environment. Our teachers are well-trained and equipped to help students gain an academic edge.

Elementary Academics
With high standards, students regularly score above grade level on yearly academic achievement testing. The firm foundation of solid skills built on strategic teaching and learning set the stage for continued success as students prepare for the next step in their education.
Students in kindergarten through sixth grade are in self-contained classrooms with opportunities for daily enrichment courses. Teachers enjoy close relationships with all of their students and provide a safe and encouraging environment to foster growth. Students are nurtured and teachers partner with parents to meet individual needs. Homework is a regular part of the program and helps parents to be involved in their child’s education as students practice and refine their academic learning.
Grace Academy impacts students by moving them toward knowledge and wisdom: educating from a biblical worldview for this life; evangelizing and equipping for eternal life. Spiritual Development represents half of our mission and includes character as well as behavior. Students are challenged to follow Christ and become like Him. Daily Bible class and weekly chapels are the primary avenues of spiritual training, but the Bible is integrated throughout the curriculum. Likewise, all the faculty are committed to guiding the students toward maturity.
All students in grades Kindergarten through 6th have classes in library, art, music, computers, P.E., Spanish and STEM. These classes are taught by specialists who have special training. Music is especially important to the development of young minds. Students in 4th-6th have the opportunity to participate in the Voices of Grace choir where they receive vocal and choral training. We also have opportunities to play in the band beginning with 5th grade with private lessons from our band teacher. For upper elementary students, there are also possibilities to participate in sports such as soccer in the fall, basketball in winter, and track in spring.
Students are engaged in the Bible through a thematic look at the Old and New Testaments with a particular focus on Biblical Worldview. The students study the character of God paying attention to how He cares for us and that He desires a relationship with all people. Students learn about God, His Work, the Fall, Christ, Salvation, and Christian Living.
Students learn to develop an understanding of phonics using the following skills and concepts: short vowels, consonants, blends, phonograms, beginning and ending sounds, vowel rules, rhyming words, diphthongs, digraphs, beginning sentences with a capital letter and ending sentences with a period, compound words, and syllables.
The students apply skills learned to their reading. Students practice reading out loud as well as silent reading with total comprehension. They learn to ask literal, interpretive, appreciative, and critical questions as they read.
Students sharpen their fine motor skills by working on formation, spacing, neatness, and pencil grip. They advance from practicing individual letters to words to complete sentences.
Our spelling curriculum works in coordination with the phonics and reading to help students learn to spell word families and basic sight words. Spelling units include weekly creative writing, spelling tests, and other activities to enhance spelling skills.
The students will be able to understand addition and subtraction while using strategies for basic addition facts and related subtraction facts. They will solve more advanced story problems using math drawings and knowledge of math partners. Students learn about place value, addition, subtraction, geometry, time, money, measurement, and fractions. Writing equations, reading graphs, and other concepts are introduced as part of problem-solving skills. Students will use a variety of methods and tools to compute, including objects, mental computation, estimation, paper and pencil.
Using a developmental science program, the objective is to teach not only scientific literacy but also knowledge of God and Christian character. Students will be exposed to the wonderful world God has created through looking specifically at air, weather, sun, moon, and stars, roots, stems, leaves, tame and wild animals, fruits and flowers, the human body, motion, and energy.
Social Studies
In the first grade, students learn about social structures through a knowledge of God through history. Through a Biblical Worldview, they will learn about families, community, and America as a nation.
Music Appreciation
Music instruction is an important part of our program. The love for singing and the appreciation of music is emphasized in music class. They perform concerts each year where they learn to share the “song in their hearts”. A basic foundation of music and love for music is emphasized.
Computers are a part of our school program, using tools such as educational software to develop familiarity with the computer and keyboarding skills. Progression of these skills is emphasized in each grade level.
Physical Education
In providing a well-rounded program, P.E. is offered one day each week, teaching the students activities that encourage coordination, cooperation and problem-solving as well as plenty of exercise.
Students are introduced to the Spanish language as they begin learning common words and phrases. Lessons emphasize the development of vocabulary, listening comprehension, and verbal communication skills.
Students are introduced to the world of art as they begin drawing using basic shapes (circles, straight lines, rectangles, etc.). They also learn about pattern, texture, and color using a variety of mediums. These skills are developed throughout the years as they create various art projects. Students enjoy their time in this enrichment class.
Students are introduced to elements of the library system, with increasing research skill progression in subsequent grade levels. Students are able to check out books each week. Family members are all welcome to use the library!
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) facilitates curiosity about the world through a biblical worldview. Students are challenged to answer real-world questions as they build, discuss, observe, and reflect. Lessons encourage students to work cooperatively as a team, solve problems, and persevere when faced with challenges. Through hands-on explorations, students are encouraged to think "outside the box," which helps develop innovative skills all while increasing their knowledge of God's created universe.
Students learn important Bible doctrines and form their biblical worldview based on scripture. They focus on the application of biblical principles and grow in their ability to discuss and defend biblical truths. Because the Bible is the Word of God, it is the source of all instruction and memorization.
The students learn about the parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, pronouns, and adjectives. They apply this knowledge through their writing, as they learn to put sentences and paragraphs together.
Students read a variety of literature, learn new vocabulary, and review phonics rules. They grow in their comprehension and fluency by reading both silently and orally.
Students work on the proper formation of their letters and the use of proper mechanics. Writing in cursive is also introduced.
With phonics-based word lists help students strengthen spelling and communication skills. Students participate in such activities as word sorting, proofreading, dictionary skills, and writing as they work with words. Each weekly spelling lists contain approximately 20 words.
Students continue working with numbers by counting, comparing, and ordering numbers to 1,000. They will learn addition and subtraction to 1,000 with and without regrouping. Students will be given practical strategies to use while solving word problems including the use of bar models. Additionally, students will measure length, mass, and volume using the metric system and our customary measurement; use mental math skills in addition and subtraction; count and compare money; tell and write time; read and construct graphs; and examine lines, curves, surfaces, shapes, and patterns. Students will learn multiplication and division with 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s, and 10’s.
The students will participate in age-appropriate investigations into earth and space, living and non-living things and their habitats, the human body, and motion and energy. All topics are taught from the perspective of a biblical worldview. Students have the opportunity to explore and apply the engineering design process and foundational inquiry skills to develop an orderly approach to problem solving.
Music Appreciation
Music instruction is an important part of our program. The love for singing and the appreciation of music is emphasized in music class. They perform concerts each year where they learn to share the “song in their hearts”. A basic foundation of music and love for music is emphasized.
Computers are a part of our school program, using tools such as educational software to develop familiarity with the computer and keyboarding skills. Progression of these skills is emphasized in each grade level.
Physical Education
In providing a well-rounded program, P.E. is offered one day each week, teaching the students activities that encourage coordination, cooperation and problem-solving as well as plenty of exercise.
Students are introduced to the Spanish language as they begin learning common words and phrases. Lessons emphasize development of vocabulary, listening comprehension and verbal communication skills.
Students are introduced to the world of art as they begin drawing using basic shapes (circle, straight line, rectangle, etc.). They also learn about pattern, texture, and color using a variety of mediums. These skills are developed throughout the years as they create various art projects. Students enjoy their time in this enrichment class.
Students are introduced to elements of the library system, with increasing research skill progression in subsequent grade levels. Students are able to check out books each week. Family members are all welcome to use the library!
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) facilitates curiosity about the world through a biblical worldview. Students are challenged to answer real-world questions as they build, discuss, observe, and reflect. Lessons encourage students to work cooperatively as a team, solve problems, and persevere when faced with challenges. Through hands-on explorations, students are encouraged to think "outside the box," which helps develop innovative skills all while increasing their knowledge of God's created universe.
Third grade students focus on six units of study: God and His attributes, the Fall, Christ, Salvation, Christian Living from a biblical worldview, and End Times. These units explore biblical worldview themes through Old Testament and New Testament stories. Additionally, the book, The Ology, by Marty Machowski, accompanies the curriculum and teaches basic biblical doctrines. Over the course of third grade, students learn songs and hymns that correlate with the Bible truths they have learned, and they memorize passages of Scripture on a weekly basis.
Students continue to work on the essential parts of speech, and they review foundational grammar conventions, including capitalization, punctuation. Students also extend their ability to form and expand sentences through training to think in a logical order. In writing, students focus on developing the foundational paragraph structure, and they use the writing process as they practice writing in a variety of genres. Over the course of the year, students apply learned writing traits (voice, word choice, sentence fluency) to informative, persuasive, and narrative pieces, as well as to friendly letters and poems.
In third grade reading, students review foundational phonics patterns, and they continue to develop their oral fluency, vocabulary, self-monitoring strategies, and comprehension strategies through a guided-reading approach. Students learn to summarize, sequence, compare and contrast, infer, draw conclusions, identify text structures (cause and effect, problem and solution, etc.) and make predictions while reading from a range of literary and informational genres and texts. Additionally, students develop their critical thinking skills and their biblical discernment through teacher-guided instruction, questioning, the application of strategies, and through the completion of a variety of activities before, during, and after reading.
While demonstrating correct pencil and paper positions, the students review proper cursive letter formation and practice by copying various selections.
Through phonics-based instruction, students learn how to spell, syllabize, and read third-grade level words, which are assessed on a weekly basis. Students also practice writing dictated sentences which strengthens short-term memory. Students extend their vocabulary, inference skills, and knowledge of Greek and Latin affixes through a variety of activities. Students also learn to use the dictionary and thesaurus proficiently.
Students will understand math is necessary to problem-solving and be given opportunities to solidify learned skills. Third graders learn foundational skills which are applicable to adult life: place value, addition and subtraction with 4-5 digit numbers, multiplication and division facts to 10, multi-digit multiplication, fractions, time, customary and metric measurement, money, geometry, and decimals.
Students learn about the history of nature, the design of nature, the importance of humans, and the purpose of science and how they are illustrations of God’s wisdom, omnipotence, sovereignty, and benevolence. In earth science, students explore rocks and minerals, soil, and the solar system. In life science, students study plants, cells, tissues and organs, cold- and warm-blooded animals, and ecosystems. Students also have the opportunity to explore physical sciences, where they learn matter and sound, motion and energy, and electricity and magnetism.
Social Studies
Students will learn how God created a world with a variety of environments, and He commanded mankind to fill the world and care for it. They will learn about the culture and beliefs of people around the world, continent by continent. Additionally, students will be taught to learn how to love their neighbors, share the gospel, cultivate God-honoring culture, exercise responsible stewardship, pray for their governments, and contribute to their nations’ economies.
Music Appreciation
Music instruction is an important part of our program. The love for singing and the appreciation of music is emphasized in music class. They perform concerts each year where they learn to share the “song in their hearts”. A basic foundation of music and love for music is emphasized.
Computers are a part of our school program, using tools such as educational software to develop familiarity with the computer and keyboarding skills. Progression of these skills is emphasized in each grade level.
Physical Education
In providing a well-rounded program, P.E. is offered one day each week, teaching the students activities that encourage coordination, cooperation and problem-solving as well as plenty of exercise.
Students are introduced to the Spanish language as they begin learning common words and phrases. Lessons emphasize development of vocabulary, listening comprehension and verbal communication skills.
Students are introduced to the world of art as they begin drawing using basic shapes (circle, straight line, rectangle, etc.). They also learn about pattern, texture, and color using a variety of mediums. These skills are developed throughout the years as they create various art projects. Students enjoy their time in this enrichment class.
Students are introduced to elements of the library system, with increasing research skill progression in subsequent grade levels. Students are able to check out books each week. Family members are all welcome to use the library!
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) facilitates curiosity about the world through a biblical worldview. Students are challenged to answer real-world questions as they build, discuss, observe, and reflect. Lessons encourage students to work cooperatively as a team, solve problems, and persevere when faced with challenges. Through hands-on explorations, students are encouraged to think "outside the box," which helps develop innovative skills all while increasing their knowledge of God's created universe.
Fourth-grade students focus solely on the Old Testament, and they learn how to view the Old Testament books as a single, connected story that lays the foundation for the New Testament. Students learn to read this story in light of the Creation-Fall-Redemption structure of the Bible, and they trace the theme of redemption as revealed in the Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic, and New Covenants. Over the course of fourth grade, students learn to use an inductive Bible study approach, they begin to explore apologetics, and they memorize passages of Scripture on a weekly basis.
Students apply English grammar, usage, and mechanics in written and oral communication. They learn to apply the writing process to the composition of opinion pieces, informative texts, narratives, and poetry. Students will learn to use research skills to support the writing process and develop skills in digital and visual literacy. In addition, students will collaborate with peers to articulate ideas and to revise written communication. Finally, students will apply biblical worldview themes on communication to writing, listening, and speaking.
In reading, students continue to develop their oral fluency, vocabulary, self-monitoring strategies, and comprehension strategies through a guided reading approach. Students learn to summarize, sequence, compare and contrast, infer, draw conclusions, and make predictions while reading from a range of literary and informational genres and texts. Students also learn to become proficient in the use of the dictionary, glossary, and the internet as they develop their vocabulary study skills. Additionally, students develop their critical thinking skills and their biblical discernment through teacher-guided instruction, questioning, the application of strategies, and the completion of a variety of activities before, during, and after reading.
Good handwriting is an essential skill – a form of expression and communication. Because handwriting is a complex process that requires a coordinated effort of nearly five hundred muscles, instruction has begun in the earliest ages and continues through the sixth grade. Handwriting lessons are designed to reinforce concepts taught in Heritage Studies, science, writing and composition and Bible. Student worktext aims not only at teaching the basic handwriting skills but also at developing Christian attitudes and values. Many lessons contain Bible Truths and are designed to reinforce concepts in above mentioned subjects.
Through phonics-based instruction, students learn how to spell and read fourth-grade level words, which are assessed on a weekly basis. Students extend their vocabulary, inference skills, and knowledge of Greek and Latin affixes and roots through a variety of activities. Students also master the use of the dictionary and thesaurus.
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Fractions and Decimals are all included in BJU Mathematics. Each lesson in the student’s Worktext includes both a teacher-guided page to reinforce skills taught in the lesson and an independent practice page. The Worktext pages help assess students understanding and retention of foundational skills in order to determine where individual help or additional practice in needed. STEAM lesson pages appear at the beginning of each chapter to serve as a preview to generate student’ interest.
Through inquiry, experimentation, and project-based learning, students learn to study and explore God’s creation. Using the Socratic method, students are taught to ask insightful questions to discover, analyze, and discuss scientific concepts in the fields of earth science, biology, motion, and electricity. An emphasis on STEM helps refine students’ academic skills, and a strong focus on science-to-faith-
connections helps students build a biblical worldview of creation.
Fourth grade History involves heritage studies as part of a developmental social studies program used to teach history, geography, economics, and culture skills, as well as knowledge of God and Christian character. History is the record of the past acts of God and humans on the earth from Creation to the present. It records mankind’s attempts to live out the Creation Mandate in a fallen world. It focuses on a small but important part of this study-the United States and the country’s interaction in world events. History is an account of good and evil, of great advances for God’s work of redemption, and of human sin and suffering.
Music Appreciation
Music instruction is an important part of our program. The love for singing and the appreciation of music is emphasized in music class. They perform concerts each year where they learn to share the “song in their hearts”. A basic foundation of music and love for music is emphasized.
Computers are a part of our school program, using tools such as educational software to develop familiarity with the computer and keyboarding skills. Progression of these skills is emphasized in each grade level.
Physical Education
In providing a well-rounded program, P.E. is offered one day each week, teaching the students activities that encourage coordination, cooperation and problem-solving as well as plenty of exercise.
Students are introduced to the Spanish language as they begin learning common words and phrases. Lessons emphasize development of vocabulary, listening comprehension and verbal communication skills.
Students are introduced to the world of art as they begin drawing using basic shapes (circle, straight line, rectangle, etc.). They also learn about pattern, texture, and color using a variety of mediums. These skills are developed throughout the years as they create various art projects. Students enjoy their time in this enrichment class.
Students are introduced to elements of the library system, with increasing research skill progression in subsequent grade levels. Students are able to check out books each week. Family members are all welcome to use the library!
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) facilitates curiosity about the world through a biblical worldview. Students are challenged to answer real-world questions as they build, discuss, observe, and reflect. Lessons encourage students to work cooperatively as a team, solve problems, and persevere when faced with challenges. Through hands-on explorations, students are encouraged to think "outside the box," which helps develop innovative skills all while increasing their knowledge of God's created universe.
Students will read the Bible daily as they review the Old Testament and study the New Testament with a focus on Biblical themes and covenants of God. Students will be encouraged to recognize their need for Christ as a personal Savior, develop Christlikeness, and be instilled with a desire to know God better. Students will also be taught that the Bible is God’s Word as they seek to better understand and apply Scripture to their daily lives.
Students continue to expand and develop their understanding and use of proper grammar. They will focus on the identification and use of different parts of speech, along with the proper use of capital letters and punctuation. Students will have the opportunity for practical application of these skills as they create their own written works, including poems, letters, and research papers.
Students will continue to develop their Reading skills through exposure to a diverse range of genres, subjects, and activities. Students will focus on vocabulary acquisition, reading comprehension, an understanding of tools that authors use in writing, and the application of biblical principles to reading and writing.
Students will obtain and maintain the skill of cursive writing in both the upper and lower case. They will follow cursive models that include Scripture and examinations of other languages and cultures.
Fifth Grade Spelling includes the learning of words designed to expand the student’s vocabulary but also seeks to develop their reading, comprehension, and writing skills. Some of these skills are identifying misspelled words, improving proofreading skills, dividing words into syllables, identifying the different usage of some troublesome pairs of words, distinguishing differences between common synonyms, using context to identify the meanings of words, and using antonyms and homonyms accurately.
As students complete their lessons, they will learn place value, multiplication and division of whole numbers, problem-solving skills, geometry, multiplication and division of fractions, measurement skills, use of models, order of operations, use of variables, and decimals. Students will also complete various STEM activities to reinforce and utilize the skills that they have learned in class. As students study math, they will identify ways that Math will help us in our work, help us serve others, help us to make wise choices, help us model the world around us, and how Math shows us that this world is designed.
Students will examine the world in which they live to develop a knowledge of God, encourage Christian growth, and promote scientific literacy. Students will study earth science, life science, and physical science as they discover earth’s rocks, minerals, and fossils; explore biomes and ecosystems; study respiratory and circulatory systems in humans; and learn about matter, energy, sound, and light. Students will develop an understanding of God as the Creator and Sustainer of the universe as they identify the precision and beauty of God’s creation. They will also be encouraged to be good stewards of the world in which they live.
Students will examine United States History and develop an understanding of geography. Students will identify the biblical foundation of the country, improve their understanding of how the government should function, and develop their understanding of a citizen’s responsibilities. Students will also develop abilities to acquire information through the use of resources and skills such as glossaries, indexes, informational text, skimming, and identification of key phrases. Students will use biblical truths to evaluate historical events, actions, and false philosophies.
Music Appreciation
Music instruction is an important part of our program. The love for singing and the appreciation of music is emphasized in music class. They perform concerts each year where they learn to share the “song in their hearts”. A basic foundation of music and love for music is emphasized.
Computers are a part of our school program, using tools such as educational software to develop familiarity with the computer and keyboarding skills. Progression of these skills is emphasized in each grade level.
Physical Education
In providing a well-rounded program, P.E. is offered one day each week, teaching the students activities that encourage coordination, cooperation and problem-solving as well as plenty of exercise.
Students are introduced to the Spanish language as they begin learning common words and phrases. Lessons emphasize development of vocabulary, listening comprehension and verbal communication skills.
Students are introduced to the world of art as they begin drawing using basic shapes (circle, straight line, rectangle, etc.). They also learn about pattern, texture, and color using a variety of mediums. These skills are developed throughout the years as they create various art projects. Students enjoy their time in this enrichment class.
Students are introduced to elements of the library system, with increasing research skill progression in subsequent grade levels. Students are able to check out books each week. Family members are all welcome to use the library!
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) facilitates curiosity about the world through a biblical worldview. Students are challenged to answer real-world questions as they build, discuss, observe, and reflect. Lessons encourage students to work cooperatively as a team, solve problems, and persevere when faced with challenges. Through hands-on explorations, students are encouraged to think "outside the box," which helps develop innovative skills all while increasing their knowledge of God's created universe.
Students are engaged in the Bible through a thematic and chronological look at the Old and New Testaments with a particular focus on the application of biblical principles. Because the Bible is the Word of God, it is the source of all instruction and memorization. The students are also introduced to viewing life from a biblical perspective through the use of the book, Biblical Worldview by Bob Jones Press.
The students learn the use of nouns, true verbs, helping verbs, adjectives, pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, commas, apostrophes, colons, hyphens, and question marks in complete sentences. They also have experience with creative writing, reports, taking notes, making revisions, and proofreading.
Through direct instruction and reading of a variety of genres, students hone their comprehension and word analysis skills and expand their ability to read critically and for appreciation. Students are exposed to a strong emphasis on expanding and developing literary skills. Character-building stories, articles, and activities give students an opportunity to expand their reading skills and grow spiritually.
Students interact with engaging content as they work to improve handwriting skills. Students learn about various professions while practicing their cursive handwriting and Chancery calligraphy is introduced in its basic models.
While still expanding their vocabulary, students learn to spell for academic excellence while applying spelling rules. They also are taught how to conquer the most commonly misspelled words and the proper use of prefixes and suffixes.
Students will learn concepts of number theory concerning multiples, factors, prime numbers, composites, and square and cube roots. Students will recognize the use of positive and negative numbers in real-world situations. They will learn skills and concepts dealing with multiplication and division of fractions and decimals, using ratios in real-world situations, and using rates and unit rates in real-world situations. Students will continue to explore the relationship between fractions, decimals, and percentages to solve real-world problems. They will write, evaluate, simplify, and expand algebraic expressions and write and solve linear equations and simple inequalities. Other skills and concepts covered include using coordinate planes and graphing to solve real-world problems; finding the area of polygons; using circumference and area to solve problems; identifying solids and prisms while using a formula to determine surface area and solving problems; and developing an awareness of concepts of statistics and probability.
Students learn skills and concepts in earth science, life science, and physical science. They learn about the earth’s earthquakes and volcanoes, as well as the stars and space exploration. Concerning life, they discover animal behavior, the balance of nature, the biosphere, and human bodies circulation and respiration. They also learn about the laws of motion, nuclear energy, and experience chemistry demonstrations and discovery activities.
Students will learn about ancient civilizations from a biblical perspective and develop a knowledge of God and His sovereignty in history. In the process, they will also learn about archeology and the archeological method.
Music Appreciation
Music instruction is an important part of our program. The love for singing and the appreciation of music is emphasized in music class. They perform concerts each year where they learn to share the “song in their hearts”. A basic foundation of music and love for music is emphasized.
Computers are a part of our school program, using tools such as educational software to develop familiarity with the computer and keyboarding skills. Progression of these skills is emphasized in each grade level.
Physical Education
In providing a well-rounded program, P.E. is offered one day each week, teaching the students activities that encourage coordination, cooperation, and problem-solving as well as plenty of exercise.
Students are introduced to the Spanish language and culture as they begin learning common words and phrases. Lessons the emphasize development of vocabulary, listening comprehension, and verbal communication skills.
Students are introduced to the world of art as they begin drawing using basic shapes (circles, straight lines, rectangles, etc.). They also learn about pattern, texture, and color using a variety of mediums. These skills are developed throughout the years as they create various art projects. Students enjoy their time in this enrichment class.
Students are introduced to elements of the library system, with increasing research skill progression in subsequent grade levels. Students are able to check out books each week. Family members are all welcome to use the library.
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) facilitates curiosity about the world through a biblical worldview. Students are challenged to answer real-world questions as they build, discuss, observe, and reflect. Lessons encourage students to work cooperatively as a team, solve problems, and persevere when faced with challenges. Through hands-on explorations, students are encouraged to think "outside the box," which helps develop innovative skills all while increasing their knowledge of God's created universe.